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Parkland Students, Floridians Speak Out Against Rick Scott

Parkland Students, Floridians Speak Out Against Rick Scott


Led by Parkland students, Floridians across the state are speaking out against Rick Scott’s long record of opposing common sense gun safety measures, and why they don’t trust him to look out for anyone but himself when it comes to this critical issue.


Here are the facts:


Here’s what they’re saying:


Parkland Student: “It is my astute belief that the blood of those 17 people is on Rick Scott’s hands”

Parkland Student: “I wanna say that this is our opportunity to talk to President Trump, Governor Rick Scott and State Senator Marco Rubio to make sure they know we are talking directly to them.”

Parkland Student: “It’s Rick Scott and Marco Rubio who allowed this to happen. They are enablers.”

Anchor: “When you hear from these students today they are very tough on Scott himself — they say he has made the gun situation worse.”

HuffPost: “‘Vote them out! Vote them out!’ Saturday’s crowd chanted at one point in reference to Scott and Rubio.”

WLRN: “Hundreds of people at a rally here in Broward booing @FLGovScott, cheering “@marcorubio must go!” and re: Tallahassee GOP: “Vote them out!”

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