For Immediate Release: December 14, 2011
Contact: Brannon Jordan, (850) 222-3411
Statement from Chairman Rod Smith Following Republican Block of Aponte Nomination
Tallahassee, FL – This week, Republicans in the Senate blocked the confirmation of Mari Carmen Aponte, President Obama’s nominee as U.S. Ambassador to El Salvador, who had already served as ambassador following a recess appointment. In response, Florida Democratic Party Chairman Rod Smith issued the following statement:
“Ms. Aponte, a native of Puerto Rico, has already served as ambassador following a recess appointment and is highly regarded in the Latino community. Republicans are blocking the nomination of Mari Carmen Aponte not because of substance, but purely for political reasons.
“The assault on her appointment by Senator Marco Rubio and his colleagues in Washington is nothing more than the same old tired stall tactics that the GOP employ against the President at every turn. And that’s why Rubio’s approval continues to dwindle along with the rock-bottom approval numbers of members of Congress. It’s time to stop the political games and focus on the issues that matter to people across the country and here in Florida – protecting the middle class and standing up to the special interests.”