Majority Leader Eric Cantor has said there would be a zero tolerance policy towards ethics violations so Fla Dems are asking the question: does the GOP stand with the perpetually embattled, under investigation Congressman Vern Buchanan — because Florida’s families sure don’t. Watch the video here.
Florida Democrats single out Vern Buchanan [Miami Herald/Naked Politics]
Florida Democrats up their attacks on Vern Buchanan [Bradenton Herald]
Florida Dems Go After Vern Buchanan [Talking Points Memo]
Democrats Exploit Buchanan Investigations [National Journal]
Fla. Dems. release new video: “Will the GOP stand with Vern Buchanan?” [SaintPetersBlog]
RUBIO’S SILENCE ON RUSH IS “DEAFENING” CBSMiami: Limbaugh Continues Losing Advertisers [CBS Miami] “But, one major up-and-coming Republican has been noticeably quiet on the Limbaugh comments. CBSMiami reached out to Republican Senator Marco Rubio throughout the day Friday for his thoughts on Rush’s comments. The silence from Rubio’s office has been deafening. It’s just the latest example of Republicans being afraid to take Limbaugh on for his over-the-top rhetoric.”
Rep. Deutch (House Foreign Affairs Committee) hits Romney on Iran: “Yesterday, Mitt Romney again turned the most serious threat to U.S. and Israeli security into nothing more than politics as usual. Rather than making reckless partisan attacks, Governor Romney should endorse President Obama’s rejection of containment and join with Congress’ overwhelming bi-partisan support of the President’s commitment to pursuing all options – diplomatic, economic, political and military – to prevent Iran from gaining a nuclear weapon. Standing firmly against Iran’s nuclear program and firmly for U.S. security and support for Israel is an absolutely essential national security priority and cannot become another political football. Mitt Romney should know better.”
POLITIFACT — MOSTLY TRUE: There are “a larger number of shark attacks in Florida than there are cases of voter fraud.”
Lawmakers reach deal on nearly $70 billion state budget [Orlando Sentinel] “An agreement to spread out $300 million in proposed budget cuts among the state’s 11 universities.”
TASTES LIKE PORK: Budget has millions for projects in leaders’ hometowns [Orlando Sentinel] “A spending plan House and Senate leaders finalized Monday comes loaded with earmarks for top GOP leadership.”
Lawmakers pile on the pain for health care [Orlando Sentinel editorial] “Instead of a scalpel, Florida lawmakers are taking an ax to health programs to balance the state budget. House and Senate budget negotiators agreed to chop at least $300 million out of payments to hospitals and nursing homes. Lawmakers also are poised to dump about $150 million in disputed health-care bills on county taxpayers, including $7 million worth on Orange County residents.”
Sideshow of social issues in Tallahassee [Tampa Bay Times Editorial] “It must be an election year, because the Florida Legislature has returned to the culture wars. The House in particular has spent time in recent days passing legislation regarding abortion restrictions, school prayer and other issues important to social conservatives. The emphasis may appeal to some voters, but it will not paper over the Legislature’s larger failures to invest in higher education, protect the environment or provide social services.”