TALLAHASSEE, FL — While Florida Republicans voted for an extreme budget that would end Medicare as we know it while protecting tax breaks for the ultra wealthy, Florida Democrats went on offense: hammering the GOP for supporting this extreme agenda at the expense of middle class families.
It’s not just Democrats who recognize the serious damage the Ryan plan would inflict on Florida’s families — this weekend the Tampa Bay Times wrote that “House Republicans envision a country where Americans would be increasingly on their own to afford food and medical care even when they are elderly, disabled or poor. It also would be a nation with a tax code that tilts further toward benefiting corporations and the wealthy” [Tampa Bay Times Editorial, “Under House Budget the Rich Get Richer,” 3/31/12]
Here’s what Democratic candidates across the state are saying about this disastrous budget plan that would hurt Florida seniors:
State Representative Leonard Bembry, congressional candidate in Florida’s 2nd Congressional District:
“Rather than join me in my pledge to protect the Medicare benefits that our seniors have earned over their lifetime, Representative Southerland betrayed the people of north Florida and voted to end Medicare. The fact that Steve Southerland never supported Medicare is out of touch and it’s wrong. The people of North Florida deserve someone who will stand up for Medicare and to cut federal spending the right way, not balance the budget on the backs of our nation’s seniors and hardworking middle class families.”
Navy veteran Heather Beaven, congressional candidate in Florida’s 6th Congressional District:
“Instead of protecting tax breaks for the ultra rich and ending Medicare, we have to make the right investments to give our young people the tools to succeed, strengthen the middle class, and ensure that our country honors its commitment to seniors.”
Former Orlando Police Chief Val Demings, congressional candidate in Florida’s 10th Congressional District:
“American must get its fiscal house in order, but we cannot do it on the backs of seniors. Congressman Webster and the Republicans in Washington may view Medicare and Social Security as ‘entitlements,’ but as your Congresswoman I promise to protect the benefits that you have earned.”
Jessica Ehrlich, congressional candidate in Florida’s 13th Congressional District:
“Our nation is facing real challenges, and Pinellas County’s families and seniors deserve an advocate in Washington who will fight for them. Tackling our deficit at the expense of the middle class and seniors, as Bill Young and the Republicans in Congress are doing, is not the answer. Bill Young continues to vote in lock-step with Republican leaders in Washington, and his vote in favor of this plan to devastate Medicare and Social Security shows that he is no longer a moderate voice for our community. I am running for Congress to stand up for working Americans and seniors, to protect Medicare and Social Security, and to build a brighter future for Pinellas County.”
Former State Representative Keith Fitzgerald, congressional candidate in Florida’s 16th Congressional District:
“Following behind his party leaders, Congressman Vern Buchanan once again voted for a budget to end Medicare while giving the ultra-rich an average tax cut of at least $265,000. Over 190,000 seniors living in Manatee and Sarasota counties see first-hand the benefits of Medicare. Replacing Medicare with a voucher-like program is out of touch and should never be a solution to solving our nation’s budget woes. Our community deserves a Representative who will actually fulfill their promise to rise above Washington D.C. partisanship and work to find real solutions to our nation’s budget challenges.”
“We expect our nation’s leaders to solve problems. Instead, we get ideological agendas that cater to special interests. Congress should especially stand up for hard-working families, our troops and our nation’s seniors by protecting Social Security and Medicare. On Thursday, the House of Representatives let us down again.” [Fitzgerald op-ed, Herald Tribune, 4/2/2012]
Patrick Murphy, congressional candidate in Florida’s 18th Congressional District:
“As Florida’s economy gradually recovers, this extreme Tea Party budget puts the ultra-wealthy and corporations ahead of seniors and working families that need help the most,” Patrick Murphy, candidate for Congress against Rep. West in November’s election. “Whether it’s denigrating other members on the House floor or name-calling his political opponents, Congressman West has shown time and time again that his priorities do not reflect the diverse needs and values of the Treasure Coast.”
Former Mayor of West Palm Beach Lois Frankel, congressional candidate in Florida’s 22nd Congressional District:
“Our elderly and disabled have earned their Medicare benefits. Budgets are all about bottom lines and here’s the bottom line: Seniors have earned their Medicare with a lifetime of hard work, and we have to keep our end of the deal. It is unfair and not right that Paul Ryan and Washington Republicans are willing to end Medicare while giving away tax cuts to the ultra-wealthy and big oil. We need leaders who will fight for seniors and put the values of the district first.”