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Florida Democratic Party News Clips – May 25, 2012

OFA HITS ROMNEY ECONOMICS IN MIAMI  Obama mailer attacks Bain in Miami [Politico] “The Obama campaign’s attack on Bain Capital is a national story, but it’s also a local one in communities where the private equity firm owned companies or plants that failed.  The Miami Herald reports on a new campaign mailer targeted at a neighborhood near a shuttered medical machinery and supply plant:  Obama’s campaign is leafleting the section of a Miami neighborhood near the Dade Behring plant that was ultimately closed on Bain’s watch. They’re distributing flyers with copies of a Miami Herald-Tampa Bay Times story about the plant and its workers.” 

Obama keeps up Bain attack with fliers in Miami [Times/Herald] “Obama’s campaign is leafleting the section of a Miami neighborhood near the Dade Behring plant that was ultimately closed on Bain’s watch.”

FDP’S DELEGATE NOMINATING CONVENTION COMING UP IN TAMPA Move Over, Republican National Convention [FLDemocracy2012] “The Florida Democratic Party will host its 2012 delegate nominating convention titled, “Florida’s Time to Shine,” in Tampa on Saturday, June 2, 2012. That evening, after delegates to the Democratic National Convention have been elected, the FDP will hold a reception celebrating them and honoring Democratic leaders.”

The other political convention in Tampa [Tampa Bay Times] “Honorees include Bob Graham, Betty Castor and Les Miller. Speakers include Bob Buckhorn, Kathy Castor and Jim Davis.”

LA PURGA Voting rights groups ask Scott to stop non-citizen voter purge [Palm Beach Post] “Lawyers for the groups said in a letter to Secretary of State Ken Detzner that the voting purge is in violation of the National Voting Rights Act which prohibits systematic purging of the voter rolls 90 days prior to a general election. The purge effort falls within that 90-day prohibition because of Florida’s Aug. 14 primary.”

Florida Voter Polls: Purges And Politics [Lakeland Ledger Editorial] “When it comes to fair voting, will Florida ever learn to do it right? Once again, the state is courting problems as it seeks to purge supposedly ineligible people from voter rolls.”

INFIGHTING ON THE RIGHT Representative Cliff Stearns’ Not-So-Conservative Spending Habits [The Shark Tank]  “Senator Oelrich has recently slammed Stearns by accusing him of “billing” taxpayers $800 for the use of a “luxury SUV” that he apparently rides in while in Washington,D.C. Now Oelrich is saying that Stearns “is the #2 biggest spender in Congress from the Florida delegation”


Exclusive Fla Insider Poll: Who’s the best VP choice? Not Marco Rubio [Tampa Bay Times] “It’s not Marco Rubio, however. “

Fla gov talks about faux pas with Spain’s King [Miami Herald] “Scott told reporters at Miami International Airport he apologized if he had done anything wrong in Madrid earlier this week while meeting the Spanish King Juan Carlos. During the visit, Scot repeatedly asked the monarch about his recent and controversial elephant hunt in Botswana. The 74-year-old king injured both his hip and his public standing by going on the expensive hunt while his country confronts a deep financial crisis.”

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