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FL Dems Call for Answers from Republican Party of Florida as GOP's Voter Registration Scandal Escalates

FDLE: “Crimes were committed in filing of voter registration forms by GOP vendor”

Tallahassee, FL — Following breaking news that the Florida Department of Law Enforcement has launched a formal criminal investigation into the Florida GOP’s illegal third party voter registration activities, Florida Democrats today called on the Florida Republican Party to come clean about their involvement in this escalating scandal.  

“It is past time for Lenny Curry and the Republican Party of Florida to come clean about their involvement in this escalating scandal,” said Scott Arceneaux, Florida Democratic Party Executive Director. “With the voter registration deadline fast approaching, the public has a right to know: what did the Republican Party of Florida know and when did it know it?  In light of the conflicting accounts that have emerged from the Republicans, Florida voters deserve to know what the RPOF knew about their consultant’s nefarious and potentially illegal actives. Florida voters, election administrators and law enforcement officials need to know the facts. The Florida GOP owes the people of this state a clear explanation. If they refuse to come clean it is incumbent on the Division of Elections to investigate the RPOF.”

This news comes on the heels of a Times/Herald story today detailing that Florida Republicans allegedly knew about their voter fraud controversy weeks earlier than they had originally claimed.

In conflicting accounts, the RPOF’s voter registration firm Strategic Allied Consulting alleges that they “kept Florida Republicans informed once they were alerted of questionable registration forms…and fired the employee responsible on Sept. 18th.” In contrast, Republicans claim they didn’t hear about the flawed forms until a week later when notified by the Palm Beach Post.  Adding fuel to the scandal,  Lee County Voter Registration Director Cheryl Johnson revealed that she had notified Strategic Allied Consulting of separate questionable voter registration applications in a meeting on September 6th — 12 days before they learned about the irregular Palm Beach voter registration forms. 

New information has also been revealed about Strategic Allied checkered past — including the firm’s President’s history of questionable registration activity dating back to 2004 in Nevada, Oregon and Arizona. 


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