TALLAHASSEE, FL — The Florida Democratic Party today released a new television ad, “Three,” highlighting Republican Ellyn Bogdanoff’s record of siding with big insurance companies over middle class families and increasing rates for homeowners. Bogdanoff, a former Insurance Agent herself, has accepted thousands of dollars in campaign contributions from big insurance corporations, and in return she’s done their bidding in Tallahassee: pushing for handouts to the Insurance industry and voting to allow them to raise rates on Floridians. The ad will run on major television stations starting this week, proof and transcript below.
“Republican Ellyn Bogdanoff’s record proves she is part of the problem in Tallahassee: accepting thousands of dollars from insurance companies and in return, doing their bidding in the Legislature,” said Brannon Jordan, spokeswoman for the Florida Democratic Party. “Bogdanoff shamefully voted in lockstep with her party to allow insurance companies to raise rates on homeowners by 60-percent. Putting the special interests ahead of middle class families is the Ellyn Bogdanoff way — the people of south Florida deserve a leader who is on their side.”
VO: In Florida, three things can increase property insurance rates: hurricanes, sink holes, and Republican Ellyn Bogdanoff. |
VO: Former Insurance agent Ellyn Bogdanoff pushed for handouts to her friends in big Insurance | Sun Sentinel, 4/28/11. “The legislation could make home insurance more expensive and make the claims process harder for consumers. The legislation would allow insurers to charge as much as they want for advertising and agent commissions and withhold a full payment for a claim for damage to a home until policyholders enter into a contract for repairs and repairs are made. The provision wouldn’t apply to homes that are destroyed.”
VO: Bogdanoff voted to allow insurance companies to raise rates without prior approval. And Bogdanoff wants to dismantle Citizens, increasing rates on homeowners 60-percent. | Sun Sentinel, 3/15/11. In 2011, Ellyn Bogdanoff voted in committee against a provision of a property insurance reform bill that would have required “regulators to approve rate hikes before they’re implemented.”
St. Petersburg Times, 03/24/2009. “In 2009, when discussing insurance reform and the Citizens Property Insurance Corporation, Ellyn Bogdanoff “conceded…that the best scenario would be [to] ‘dismantle Citizens, dismantle the CAT fund, let the free market return and rates go up 60 percent. But if you can do that politically, you’re my hero.’”
Bogdanoff accepted over $40,000 from the insurance industry. Fl orida Division of Elections Campaign Contribution Reports, 2011-2012
VO: Republican Ellyn Bogdanoff protected insurance companies and sold us out. |