Tallahassee, FL — As Sen. Marco Rubio faces tough questions from conservatives about his immigration bill in Washington, what will he say about Rick Scott’s veto of Dream Act driver’s licenses legislation? Is Rubio staying silent in an attempt to avoid additional criticism from conservatives?
The bill, which won overwhelming majorities in both houses of the legislature, would have allowed thousands of immigrants who have federal deferred action status and no criminal history to obtain a driver’s license.
HB 235 was one of the most important pro-immigrant pieces of legislation this Session, and passed the Republican-dominated legislature with near-unanimous approval. Democrats and Republicans understood that allowing legal immigrants to obtain driver’s licenses would expand opportunity to thousands of young Hispanics and other immigrants. Governor Scott’s decision on HB 235 was viewed as a key test of his commitment to the Hispanic community.
What does Marco Rubio have to say about Rick Scott’s veto of this key priority for the Hispanic community?
“Senator Rubio cannot stay silent on this crucial piece, no matter how much he wants to avoid additional criticism from conservatives,” said FDP communications director Joshua Karp. “What good reason is there to deny dreamers the right to drive to school or work? If Rubio won’t show the courage to comment on one of the most important immigration votes in Florida this year, how can Floridians trust him with national immigration reform?”