Today, Florida Democratic Party Chair Allison Tant made the following statement on the end of Florida’s ban on marriage equality:
“I want to extend my congratulations to Florida’s gay and lesbian couples who are finally able to enjoy marriage equality. While the fight was not easy, equality and justice have prevailed in the Sunshine State. I am so proud of the tireless efforts of those who championed LGBT rights day in and day out for years.
“While thousands of LGBT couples will get married across the state over the coming days and weeks, there are still a dozen counties with Clerks of Court who are refusing to conduct courthouse marriages in a final, futile attempt to hold back equality. This shameful stunt by a few desperate and out-of-touch politicians who are showing disrespect for the rights of all Floridians. These clerks need to do the job they swore to do, or step aside and allow all Floridians to marry.”