Rick Scott’s gag order on the Department of Environmental Protection — the bury your head in the quickly-vanishing sand policy — has made headlines, well, just about everywhere…
Newsweek: Under Rick Scott, Florida Environment Officials Said to be Barred From Saying ‘Climate Change’
Raw Story: Florida officials banned from saying ‘climate change’ because Gov. Rick Scott doesn’t think it’s real
Time: Florida Reportedly Bans Environment Officials From Mentioning Climate Change
Reuters: Florida bans use of ‘climate change’ by state agency: report
The Daily Beast: Florida Quietly Bans the Words ‘Climate Change’ in Environmental Protection Docs
MSNBC: Florida officials barred from mentioning climate change
CNN: On climate change, Florida officials told to speak no evil
New York Magazine: Florida Officials Say They Were Banned From Using the Term ‘Climate Change’
Washington Post: Throw Florida’s apparent rejection of the phrase ‘climate change’ onto the pile of anti-climate politics
Arstechnica: Report: Florida environment office told not to say “climate change”
Huffington Post: Florida Officials Were Barred From Using The Term ‘Climate Change’ Once Rick Scott Took Power
Mashable: First rule of climate change in Florida: don’t mention climate change
Bloomberg: Florida Officials Say They Were Banned From Saying ‘Climate Change’ and ‘Global Warming’
US News and World Report: Florida Muffles Climate Change Talk
Chicago Sun-Times: In Florida, Gov. Rick Scott, bans use of ‘climate change,’ ‘global warming’ in reports
Fusion: Report: Florida officials banned from using the term ‘climate change’
USA Today: Fla. gov. bans the terms climate change, global warming
The Hill: Fla. officials banned from using ‘climate change’?
New Orleans Times-Picayune: ‘Climate change,’ ‘global warming’ terms banned by Florida environmental agency, newspaper reports
Wonkette: Florida Sees, Hears, And Speaks No Climate Change. Also: Sinks Into The Sea
Esquire: Here’s Some Stupid For Lunch
The Atlantic: Politics and the Floridian Language
FCIR: In Florida, Officials Ban Term ‘Climate Change’
WTSP: Florida to Workers: Don’t Say ‘Climate Change’
Slate: Florida Bans State Environmental Workers From Using the Term Climate Change
The Guardian: Florida banned state workers from using term ‘climate change’ – report