Last weekend, the Treasure Coast Newspapers reported Senator Joe Negron wrote a $7.5 million carveout into the Senate’s budget for a donor that gave $10,000 to his political committee. While Negron pleads innocence to the clear pay-to-play implication, he forgot to mention this same donor decided to make his first federal contribution of the 2016 cycle two weeks later — a maximum donation to Rebecca Negron’s congressional campaign.
Here is Rebecca Negron touring the donor’s water farm two weeks after accepting the $2,700 donation:
In response, Florida Democratic Party spokesman Max Steele made the following statement:
“If the $10,000 donation to his political committee didn’t impact Joe Negron’s decision to give this company a $7.5 million carveout in the Senate budget, what impact did the max-out donation to his wife’s campaign two weeks later have? If Rebecca Negron wanted to avoid the appearance of pay-for-play politics, why would she accept campaign cash from a donor lobbying her husband for a taxpayer handout?
“It costs less than $25 a year to store 1 million gallons of water on public land. It costs nearly ten times that to store the water on the land owned by the Negrons’ donor. The math, like Senator Negron’s explanation, just doesn’t add up.”