In a last-ditch effort to salvage the wreckage of his political career, Marco Rubio broke his word to Floridians today and asked to be rehired for the job he abandoned. Rubio, who insisted for over a year that he would not run for reelection as a “Plan B,” has frequently expressed public disdain for the job and stopped bothering to show up to work in order to campaign. Now that the political winds have changed, Rubio has, yet again, reversed himself.
“The only thing more inexcusable and embarrassing than Marco Rubio’s failure to accomplish anything of note in the Senate is his callous exploitation of the Orlando tragedy in an effort to kickstart his reelection campaign,” said FDP Chair Allison Tant. “Rubio lost 66 of 67 counties in March because he abandoned the people of Florida and showed himself to be nothing but an opportunistic career politician. Today’s news only confirms that further.
“Floridians deserve better than a career politician who claims nothing can be done to prevent future gun violence, works against immigrant families and LGBT rights, actively speaks out against women making their own health care decisions, and can’t even bother to show up to vote most days. Republicans and Democrats alike flat-out rejected Rubio this presidential cycle, and Floridians are done tolerating a self-centered opportunist who refuses to do the job he was hired to do.
“A panicked Senatorial bid will not rehabilitate Marco Rubio’s destroyed reputation. As he’s said time and time again, Marco Rubio will be a private citizen in January of 2017.”