Today, Congress adjourned for their summer recess without providing desperately needed funding to combat the Zika virus, which has already infected more than 290 Floridians, including 43 pregnant women. Marco Rubio waited until yesterday to hold his first hearing on the virus after ignoring the outbreak during his presidential campaign and insisting there was “no crisis” as late as April.
In response, FDP Chair Allison Tant issued the following statement:
“Floridians needed Marco Rubio to stand alongside Senator Nelson and fight the spread of Zika months ago, not days ago. His failure to set partisanship aside and support a Zika funding bill that did not also strip Planned Parenthood of funding and protect the Confederate flag is unconscionable. How many Floridians have to get infected before Marco Rubio and Congressional Republicans stop the political posturing and actually work to combat this virus? Floridians cannot afford to wait until September for help with this crisis.”