Today, as Rubio continues his statewide photo op tour of communities he’s spent years ignoring, No-Show Marco will appear in Tampa on official business for the first time in over three years. As the Tampa Bay Times wrote in 2013, “Rubio can’t seem to find the time to care” about the issues Tampa residents were counting on him to help solve.
In response to Rubio’s visit, Tampa Mayor Bob Buckhorn issued the following statement:
“Folks in Tampa haven’t seen Rubio in years so we can understand why he’s calling his campaign tour ‘The Fight Starts Now.’ We needed Senator Rubio to start fighting for Tampa the moment he was elected, not 5 years later after his Presidential ambitions were dashed. Tampa residents deserve a Senator who they can count on to fight for them every day, and it’s clear Marco Rubio just isn’t up to the job.”