While Marco Rubio has carefully avoided direct answers on many important issues this election, he has made one thing perfectly clear: he’s running for reelection to hand over the Supreme Court to Donald Trump.
After initially citing the Pulse shooting as a reason to run for reelection, Rubio is now saying the big reason he decided to campaign for the Senate is the Supreme Court. He underscores his own election as a necessary step in the process to fill the current Supreme Court vacancy, and possible additional vacancies, with justices of Donald Trump’s choosing.
“Marco Rubio is actively campaigning to hand over nuclear codes and Supreme Court appointments to a man he still believes is an untrustworthy, erratic con man,” said FDP spokesman Max Steele. “He can’t even bring himself to tell Floridians whether or not he believes Trump is qualified for the job. Rubio has proven time and again that he will prioritize his personal ambition and career over the lives and well being of the Floridians he’s supposed to fight for. If Rubio cannot stand up to Trump now, how could Floridians trust him to stand up to a President Trump?”
Watch: Rubio rallies supporters on the idea that Trump should appoint the next Supreme Court Justice
MARCO RUBIO: “And so I ask you- who do you want to have making that appointment? Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton?”
AUDIENCE: “Trump!”
Watch: Rubio asks viewers to vote for Donald Trump just so he can appoint a new Supreme Court Justice
MARCO RUBIO: “Donald Trump is committed to appointing someone like that, and so that is one reason why I think people may consider voting for Donald even though they have some differences with him on some other issues, as I do, but again, I just don’t believe there’s any chance at all that Hillary Clinton would ever appoint someone to the Supreme Court with the views that Scalia had.”