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Democrats Flip HD 72 in Special Election

Democrats Flip HD 72 in Special Election

FDP Congratulates Margaret Good on Her Win


SARASOTA, Fl.– Margaret Good pulled off a huge upset in the HD Special Election Tuesday night, beating James Buchanan 52 to 44. With the win, HD 72, a district that went from Trump in 2016, flips from red-to-blue.


“We couldn’t be more proud of Margaret, for the campaign she ran. She was the better candidate, her message resonated with voters in Sarasota, and the results showed that. This win shows us that Floridians are rejecting the same tired rhetoric we saw with Donald Trump’s campaign, which was the same rhetoric Buchanan used to try and win. This is a referendum on Trump and the GOP.


“Republicans across the state continue to campaign on issues like the border wall, that are not actual state issues and only serve to divide and demonize the immigrant population. We are going to continue to focus on the real issues effecting this state, like the fact that nearly half the state is struggling – living paycheck to paycheck, and the fact that hundreds of thousands of people are without health care because Republican leadership refused to expand medicaid. This is the beginning of a movement here in Florida. We will continue to work hard in every race, up and down the ballot, because Floridians deserve better.”

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