Florida Politics: “Scott had not offered meaningful disclosure about how he became $46 million richer while governor.”
Rick Scott’s third week in the race was, like the others, dominated by his incessant financial scandals because of his self-serving politics and him only looking out for himself and his donors. Scott’s emergency management chief for FEMA funding also stepped down because Scott’s administration has continued to bungle its response to hurricanes leaving communities without much-needed aid as they recover.
Pay to Play
Retired workers blasted Scott for skirting the law and playing politics with their pensions. They worked hard for their pensions – he managed to use the pension business to compile more cash for his Senate campaign efforts — again putting himself above the people of Florida.
- Bay News 9: “Gov. Scott has moved into an area that he should not be doing, with accepting money from organizations that directly benefit from him,” said Dave Jacobsen, president of the Northwest Florida AFSCME Retirees. “He’s putting his own self-interest above all of the hard-working Floridians.”
- WCJB ABC 20: This appears to be a very clear case of close coordination and circumvention of the pay to play rule. So, it may not have garnered a lot of attention right now, but we want to shed a spotlight on what Rick Scott is doing,” said retired state worker David Jacobsen.
Still Hiding His Conflicts of Interest
Scott filed for an extension to continue hiding his secret financial account, which is barred for Senate candidates, and his massive conflicts of interest that allowed him to enrich himself and become $46 million richer as governor. Scott refused Thursday to address the unethical contributions he received from those with state pension business or why he is trying to delay releasing his finances for as long as possible.
- Florida Politics: Scott’s finances have been questioned repeatedly by political opponents, and Scott had not offered meaningful disclosure about how he became $46 million richer while governor, saying that such was only a concern of ‘career politicians.'”
- Tampa Bay Times: “Gov. Rick Scott will not be detailing his personal finances any time soon after the U.S. Senate candidate on Tuesday filed for an extension.”
Disastrous Administration
Scott’s emergency management chief for FEMA funding stepped down Tuesday after the administration failed in their response to hurricanes that destroyed property in much of the state, according to Politico. Scott administration policies have severely slowed down the recovery efforts.
- “Wheeler’s departure comes at a time when cities, counties, school districts and state agencies are awaiting more than $3.6 billion from the Federal Emergency Management Agency to help cover the cost of damages caused by Hurricane Irma, which pummeled much of the state last September.”
- “To date, Florida has received only $39 million through FEMA’s Public Assistance Grant Program, far less than the billions of dollars given to other states and U.S. territories hit during last last year’s storm season.”
- “The policy forced local governments to raid cash reserves to cover immediate tasks such as debris removal.”
Ignoring Real Needs for Photo Ops
State Rep. Carlos Guillermo Smith called out Rick Scott as he “continues to ignore the real needs of Puerto Rican evacuees in exchange for photo ops on the island to make it look like he cares,” according to the Sarasota Herald Tribune.
- “Smith ridiculed the Republican governor for signing into law a state budget that swept $182 million from affordable housing programs and used it to cover other spending holes.”
- “While FEMA last week extended into mid-May temporary hotel vouchers for 79 Central Florida families who left Puerto Rico after last September’s storm, many other arrivals are doubling up with relatives and friends because rents are unaffordable.”
- “Smith said Scott did little to urge help from the White House, although the governor has frequently cited his close relationship with Trump.”
- “‘Scott can wave the Puerto Rico flag as much as he wants, but it doesn’t change his record of inaction that left Puerto Rican evacuees homeless, in need of housing, health care and jobs,’ Smith said.”
Lying in State
“I’m completely transparent,” Scott told Florida Politics, forgetting he used his office to help keep his finances and conflicts of interests secret and is currently fighting in court to continue to do so. And this is the same man who ducked accountability when his company defrauded Medicare and health care for our troops by over $1 billion, yet still pleaded the 5th 75 times to protect himself from incrimination.
Hiding from His Friend Trump
Rick Scott is a close friend and ally of Donald Trump, but is trying to downplay his relationship with the unpopular president as he runs for Senate, according to the Tampa Bay Times. But voters know Scott is an ally.” They are both responsible for driving up health care costs for Floridians, while pushing for policies that benefit themselves.
- “The day after Trump won the Florida primary, Scott endorsed him. Even then, he maintained space, finding reasons not to show up at numerous Trump’s rallies. Part of that was due to legal concerns because Scott chaired a pro-Trump super PAC that spent about $20 million in the race. But others saw it as a buffer, even self-serving because the committee gave Scott access to national donors.”
- Scott lent himself as an expert on health care during the attempt to dismantle Obamacare”
- “The stream of controversy threatens to turn off the women and independent voters Scott will need to overcome Sen. Nelson, a three-term Democrat”