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FDP: u200bFlorida GOP Must Distance Itself Fromu200b Johnu200b Ward's Comments On Puerto Ricanu200bs

The GOP is proving once again its disconnection from Floridians and lack of compassion for Puerto Rican’s effected by​ Hurricane Maria, after a GOP Congressional candidate says he believes “Puerto Ricans shouldn’t be allowed to vote” and insinuated they should ​start heading back to the Island. CD-6 Candidate John Ward made the comments in an open forum with voters, and has refused to walk back his sentiment, along with statewide Republicans who have yet to denounce it.

​FDP Chairwoman Terrie Rizzo released the following statement following the offensive comments:

“While Puerto Ricans are still trying to re-build their lives in Florida after the Island was ravaged by Hurricane Maria, a GOP candidate is trying to take away their rights as American citizens. ​John Ward and the Florida GOP seem to have forgotten that Puerto Ricans are Americans and they have every right to be in Florida.

“Republicans like Ward should know that the Puerto Rican community will cast ballots for a Party that supports them, not one that tears them down.​ The repulsive and discriminatory attitude toward Puerto Ricans from Republicans like John Ward has no place in Florida, and every Republican in the state should join the Florida Democratic Party in condemning his statements.​”

Ward’s comments come after it was revealed the Florida GOP was caught handing out propaganda to Puerto Rican voters that falsely accuses Democrats of enabling criminals and violent offenders, among other false statements and sentiments as pictured below.


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