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Self-Serving Scott's Week in Review: Making Florida Sicker, Deepening the Swamp and Ignoring Painful Realities in Puerto Rico

Rick Scott’s self-serving politics have made Floridians sicker, deepened the swamp with his cronyism and catering to special interests, and exposed how he will not dare criticize his friend Donald Trump for the failed recovery from Hurricane Maria.

Not Draining the Swamp – Deepening It.

Rick Scott’s effort to portray himself as an outsider clashes with reality, according to an analysis by the Tampa Bay Times.

“I don’t know what I would do differently” in Puerto Rico

This is what Rick Scott said when asked about the weak Trump administration response to Hurricane Maria. Scott has been hiding from Donald Trump – obviously not real proud of his pal – but doesn’t have the spine to call him out for the wretched response to Hurricane Maria. Scott doesn’t “know what I would do differently” even though thousands died, tens of thousands of people have evacuated the island and many remain without power or clean water.

Tampa Bay Times: Rick Scott: ‘I don’t know what I would do differently’ in Puerto Rico

Orlando Sentinel: Rick Scott: ‘I don’t know what I’d do differently’ than federal government in Puerto Rico


“Florida is a sicker state because of Gov. Rick Scott’s partisanship.”

Scott’s results in health care as governor “stink” with the rate of uninsured Floridians going up, according to this Sun Sentinel column.

Scott’s Negligence Again Endangering Nursing Home Residents.

Even after 12 senior citizens died last year due to Scott’s inaction and negligence, most nursing facilities are not ready with generators for this hurricane season, according to the Miami Herald.

Scott’s already started “bogus displays of stormy weather leadership.”

Scott is “using his office on the campaign trail to the U.S. Senate” with his “hysterical” response to “rain and squalls,” according to a Miami Herald column.

Senator Nelson Calling Scott Out for Supporting Moving Rigs Closer to Florida Beaches.

Scott has refused to sign on to legislation extending the moratorium on drilling near Florida’s shores and beaches, and is OK with moving rigs closer, according to Politico.

Scott Exacerbating Opioid Crisis.

Scott slashing $28 million from programs will “escalate” the state’s opioid crisis and likely lead to more children being removed from homes and placed into the system, according to the Sarasota Herald-Tribune.

Scott Cronies He Appointed to Top Positions Funding His Campaign.

Fellow shady businessman Carlos Beruff, who also referred to President Obama as an “animal,” and Darlene Jordan are among those giving tens of thousands of dollars to fund Scott’s Senate campaign after he appointed them to prominent state boards, according to a Politico report.

Scott Still Terrible at Following the Rules.

Facebook removed three of Scott’s campaign ads because his campaign, despite boasting about all their money and staff, apparently couldn’t quite keep up with those new rules, according to the Tampa Bay Times.

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