As reports emerged Tuesday that Republicans are introducing new legislation that would put insurance coverage for people with pre-existing conditions at risk, here in Florida Rick Scott and Republicans continue to support a lawsuit that would do just that.
On Monday in Tampa, led by Congresswoman Kathy Castor, Democrats slammed Rick Scott for continuing his assault on the ACA, and supporting a lawsuit led by his Administration, that would undo critical protections for people with pre-existing conditions. Nearly seven million Floridians have pre-existing conditions, and this lawsuit could take us back to a time where they are able to be discriminated against by insurance companies.
Also on Monday, led by Congresswoman Lois Frankel and State Senator Lori Berman, Democrats slammed Rick Scott for causing uninsured rates to soar – after his decision not to expand Medicaid.
While Democrats highlighted Scott’s cruel record on healthcare in Tampa and West Palm Beach, Senator Bill Nelson continues to fight for people with pre-existing conditions, holding a roundtable Monday in Orlando.
Politico, 6/18/18, Democrats deride Scott for backing Trump legal fight against ACA
- “Democrats on Monday called out Gov. Rick Scott for not going against the Trump administration on its attack of people with pre-existing medical conditions.”
- The administration has backed Florida and more than a dozen other states in a lawsuit against the federal government. The suit seeks to do away with fundamental Affordable Care Act provisions, including requiring insurance companies to cover people with pre-existing health conditions.
- “‘We need to know who is on our side in the fight for high-quality affordable healthcare, and it is clear that Rick Scott is not. Simply put, Scott’s long record of working to dismantle protections for those with pre-existing conditions doesn’t match his new rhetoric,’ Rep. Kathy Castor (D-Fla.) said at a press conference in Tampa. Castor was joined by former state Sen. Arthenia Joyner (D-Tampa) and activist Karen Clay.”
- “‘We are here to tell Rick Scott to stop his assault on affordable healthcare. We’ve learned in the past two weeks that the Trump administration wants to toss protections for pre-existing conditions out the window. What they couldn’t do through law, they’re doing through the courts,’ Castor said.”
Tampa Bay Times, 6/18/18, Democrats press Scott on pre-existing conditions
- “Democrats on Monday continued to attack the state of Florida’s decision to join an anti-Obamacare lawsuit that could take away guaranteed coverage for millions of people with pre-existing conditions.”
- “Sen. Bill Nelson highlighted the issue during an event in Orlando, saying 7.8 million Floridians could be hurt if the lawsuit is successful.”
- “Democrats are working to make health care a focus of the midterm elections and polls show it’s a top issue for voters.”
- “Castor called Scott ‘Trump’s best friend’ and noted that he ‘has been trying for years to kill the Affordable Care Act.'”
Fox 35, 6/18/18, Senator Bill Nelson stands up for Floridians with pre-existing conditions
- “Senator Bill Nelson is standing up for people with pre-existing conditions. He wants to make sure they can keep their health insurance, as Florida fights Obamacare.”
- “Nelson met with people in danger of losing their health insurance on Monday after the Trump administration announced that it would not defend the Affordable Care Act in court. Florida is one of 19 states suing the federal government over the healthcare law.”
- “The people Nelson met with say that if Florida wins this suit, they will not be able to get health insurance because of costly pre-existing conditions.”
- “Nelson has been calling on Governor Rick Scott to pull the state out of the lawsuit.”