As Donald Trump prepares his latest effort to try to distract the Latino community, news outlets across South Florida highlighted how Florida Latinos “slammed” his broken promises and toxic agenda.
This morning, POLITICO Florida also detailed why Vice President Pence is the wrong choice to lead the Trump campaign’s Hispanic outreach — “Pence has wrongly stated that 10 terrorists a day get arrested at the southern border; this weekend blamed Congress for migrant children not having things like toothbrushes and shampoo in a Texas detention facility; opposed birthright citizenship; and been a vocal advocate of a border wall.”
On Monday the Florida Democratic Party also released a research memo detailing the facts about Trump’s record for the Latino community.
See for Yourself
Miami Herald: Florida Democrats call Trump’s attempts to court the Latino vote ‘repugnant.
- “President Donald Trump’s re-election campaign launches an effort to court the Hispanic vote in Miami this week, but Florida Democrats are criticizing the attempt as a ‘repugnant, political act’ that contradicts the political rhetoric and record of his first term.”
- “‘If Donald Trump wins, nothing good will come to our community,’ said Mayra Macias, the vice president of the Latino Victory Fund, a progressive political organization. ‘His policies have undermined Latinos and Latino families across the country, whether it’s healthcare, jobs, and wages or separating migrant children at the border and putting them in horrifying conditions.’ ‘It’s laughable that Donald Trump is launching his Latino coalition in Florida,’ she added.”
- “Democratic activists slammed Trump’s aggressive immigration policies, his reluctance to send aid to Puerto Rico after Hurricane Maria and anti-socialist language they say panders to Latino communities — including Cubans, Venezuelans, and Colombians — because it belies Trump’s actions.”
- “Frank Mora, a former deputy assistant secretary of defense for the Western Hemisphere, cited an uptick in deportation numbers from 2016 to 2018 under Trump: ‘Under this administration, Cubans are now being deported in larger and larger numbers.'”
- “He added that under Trump, the long-running family reunification program that brought 20,000 Cubans to the U.S. over two decades ‘has now practically been suspended. … The president talks with one hand about how he wants to help the Venezuelan community, the Cuban-American community. On the left, his actions demonstrate something completely different.'”
El Nuevo Herald: Demócratas hispanos de Florida promueven el voto contra Trump en una semana cargada de política
- “Seis demócratas miembros de la comunidad latina de Florida llamaron a una conferencia de prensa este lunes 24 de junio, en Miami Springs, con el objetivo de criticar al presidente Donald Trump y a las políticas que, según ellos, han sido dañinas para los hispanos, un día antes del lanzamiento de ‘Latinos for Trump,’ una iniciativa para la campaña de reelección del presidente.”
- “El grupo, formado por miembros de varias comunidades hispanas del estado, incluyendo cubanos, puertorriqueños, venezolanos y colombianos, hablaron sobre las principales polémicas de la administración Trump, desde la separación de niños migrantes hasta la respuesta inefectiva del gobierno federal tras la emergencia del huracán María.”
- “”Latinos for Trump’, ¿alguna vez has escuchado a algo tan absurdo? Son como ratones por serpientes’, dijo Adriana Rivera, directora de comunicaciones de Alianza for Progress. ‘”Siempre están los que votan en contra de sus mejores intereses. Pero los que sabemos la verdad somos más.'”
CBS 4 Miami: Florida Latinos Slam Trump.
POLITICO Florida: Pence becomes point man on Hispanic outreach
“Pence is the headliner. The former Indiana governor is a notable choice, and may not seem like the most natural messenger in this spot. In the past, Pence has wrongly stated that 10 terrorists a day get arrested at the southern border; this weekend blamed Congress for migrant children not having things like toothbrushes and shampoo in a Texas detention facility; opposed birthright citizenship; and been a vocal advocate of a border wall.”