FDP Launches “Fight for Health Care Tour” along I-4 with Orlando Billboard Contrasting Trump’s Failed Policies With Democratic Health Care Agenda
Ahead of Donald Trump’s upcoming visit, the Florida Democratic Party (FDP) is launching a campaign to hold Trump accountable for his three years of failed health care policies, contrasting the president’s repeated attempts to reduce access to care with the Democratic agenda to expand affordable, accessible health care.
The campaign includes a “Fight for Health Care Tour” along the I-4 Corridor and a billboard in Orlando contrasting the Trump and Democratic health care agendas. The billboard is in English and Spanish and will run Monday, March 9th through Sunday, March 15th.
The “Fight for Health Care Tour” is a series of roundtable discussions with FDP Chair Terrie Rizzo and local health care stakeholders, from medical professionals to community leaders to patients with pre-existing conditions. The tour will take place along the I-4 corridor Thursday, March 12th and Friday, March 13th. More details forthcoming.
FDP Executive Director Juan Peñalosa released the following statement regarding the “Fight for Health Care Tour” along I-4 and the Orlando billboard:
“Trump is not working for people struggling to pay their medical bills, he’s working for big corporations trying to increase their profits. We can’t afford another four years of a president who prioritizes corporate interests over people with pre-existing conditions.
“Florida Democrats are crisscrossing the state to let voters know what is at stake in 2020: your health care. A Donald Trump victory means an end to the Affordable Care Act, an end to pre-existing condition protections and billions cut from Medicare. Democrats have a record of expanding affordable healthcare and, unlike the President, we have plans for every single American to access quality care.”
Billboard Content:

Trump’s Failed Health Care and Tax Policies
- Trump went to court to overturn the ACA, a move that could cost 1,560,000 Floridians their coverage and eliminate the law’s pre-existing condition protections [Urban Institute, March 2019]
- The Kaiser Family Foundation estimated that more than 3.5 million Floridians have a health condition that could lead them to be denied health insurance or charged higher premiums without the ACA’s protections. [Kaiser Family Foundation, 10/4/19]
- The Trump administration’s Medicaid block grants would reduce coverage, health services, and financial security while raising costs.
- Trump’s budgets have repeatedly proposed cutting hundreds of billions of dollars from Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security programs. Nineteen percent of Florida’s population is covered by Medicaid/CHIP. [Medicaid In Florida, Kaiser Family Foundation, October 2019]
- In 2018, Trump allowed “junk plans” on the market, allowing companies to sell health insurance plans that do not cover pre-existing conditions.
- Meanwhile, Trump’s tax scam gave four pharmaceutical companies a $7 billion tax break in 2018. An Oxfam report indicates that this money did not lead to reduced drug prices or increased research and development investment.
- In 2020, The Richest 5% Of Florida Taxpayers Will Receive 61% Of The State’s Share Of Tax Cuts Under The Republican Tax Bill. [Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy, 8/28/19]
Democrats Are Fighting For Affordable, Accessible Health Care
- Trump calls Democrats the “Do Nothing Party.” The reality is that Democrats in Congress have actually done a lot, but Trump has opposed their legislation, and it has stalled in McConnell’s legislative graveyard, despite broad support from voters.
- In December 2019, House Democrats passed H.R. 3, the Elijah E. Cummings Lower Drug Costs Now Act. The bill would allow the Health and Human Services secretary to negotiate drug prices. Trump threatened to veto the bill.
- Democrats delivered the Affordable Care Act, legislation that enforces protections for people with pre-existing conditions.