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May 20th is Cuban Independence Day. As Cuban Americans in Florida and all over the world commemorate their Independence Day, the Florida Democratic Party released the following statement: 

“In 1902, Cubans fought to secure independence and gave birth to a Republic. On Cuban Independence Day, we extend our support and solidarity with the Cuban people to continue the fight for a free Cuba,” said FDP Chair Nikki Fried.

“Sadly, Fidel Castro and the Communist Cuban regime stole the liberty of every Cuban and Cuba is no longer free. Today, an authoritarian regime under the heavy hands of Raul Castro and Miguel Díaz-Canel still oppresses its people and denies them their right to a dignified life.

“Today, we honor the people of Cuba and the political prisoners in the island by remembering the words of Cuban independence hero, Jose Marti: ‘When there are many men without decorum, there are always others who themselves possess the decorum of many men. These are the ones who rebel with terrible strength against those who rob nations of their liberty, which is to rob men of their decorum. Embodied in those men are thousands of men, a whole people, human dignity.’

“The Cuban people deserve a government that peacefully upholds liberties, religious freedoms, human rights, and democratic values, and the Florida Democrats support the Cuban people’s quest to achieve that vision.”

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