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BREAKING: Rick Scott Votes Against Protecting Access to Contraception

Today, Rick Scott voted against the Right to Contraception Act — bipartisan legislation to codify Americans’ right to access contraception under federal law, making clear that he will continue his dangerous push to rip away women’s rights to make their own personal medical decisions. 

“Rick Scott’s extreme anti-choice agenda is clear: he wants to restrict access to birth control and ban abortion nationwide. Floridians will remember Scott’s attacks on reproductive freedom and hold him accountable at the ballot box, said Florida Democratic Party spokesperson Alex Wood. 

Scott has a long record attacking contraception including supporting employers’ immunity in denying coverage for contraception and endorsing anti-choice extremists who want to restrict birth control access. Last week, Scott received an A+ rating from an extreme anti-choice group which opposes IVF and contraception and wants to ban abortion at conception. 

Here’s what to know about Scott’s “100% pro-life” record: 

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