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WHAT THEY’RE WATCHING: Rick Scott Called Out for Voting Against Contraception and IVF in Statewide Tour

Press conferences in Miami, Orlando, and Tampa featured giant inflatable IUD

Last week, leaders in Miami, Orlando, and Tampa called out Rick Scott for voting against protecting access to contraception and IVF ahead of the two-year anniversary of the Supreme Court ruling that overturned Roe v. Wade. During the tour, Floridians slammed Scott’s attacks on reproductive health care. 

See below for a roundup of coverage of Democrats slamming Scott’s attacks on contraception and IVF: 

10 Tampa Bay: Fact Check – Rick Scott Voted Against IVF Legislation 

WFLA: Congresswoman Kathy Castor Call Out Rick Scott’s Votes Against Contraception and IVF

10 Tampa Bay: Tampa Bay Democrats Call Out Rick Scott for Voting Against Contraception and IVF

Local 10 Miami: South Florida Democrats Call Out Rick Scott for Voting Against Contraception and IVF

Univision Orlando: Líderes demócratas abogan por la fertilización in vitro

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