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REMINDER: Rick Scott Voted Against Capping the Cost of Insulin for 90,000 Floridians

One year ago today, the monthly out-of-pocket cost of insulin was capped at $35 for Medicare Part B recipients despite Rick Scott’s vote against historic legislation to lower prescription drug costs. Scott voted against capping the cost of insulin for more than 90,000 Medicare Recipients in Florida, saving them more than $42 million annually. Scott went as far as to threaten to shut down the government to repeal the legislation that lowers drug costs for millions of Floridians. 

“Rick Scott has done nothing to lower prescription drug costs for Floridians. He cares more about protecting Big Pharma’s profits than lowering costs for Floridians who too often are forced to choose between paying for their medications and buying groceries,” said Florida Democratic Party Spokesperson Alex Wood. “Floridians will hold Scott accountable for siding with Big Pharma over struggling Floridians.” 

See below for more policies to lower the prescription drugs costs that Rick Scott opposed: 

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