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Florida Democrats Slam Rick Scott’s Plan to End Medicare on the Programs 59th Anniversary

Scott’s Plan Would Threaten Affordable Health Care for Five Million Florida Seniors

Today, on the 59th anniversary of Medicare being signed into law, the Florida Democratic Party released the following statement on Rick Scott’s signature plan to end Medicare and Social Security as we know them: 

“Rick Scott has a long record of lining his pockets while he makes Florida seniors pay the price. Scott got rich overseeing the largest Medicare fraud in history and then wrote the plan to put Medicare on the chopping block and jeopardize affordable health care for five million Florida seniors,” said Florida Democratic Party Chair Nikki Fried. “Florida has a higher percentage of seniors than any state in the country, and they deserve a Senator who will fight to protect affordable health care – not rip it away.” 

What to know about Rick Scott’s record of working to enrich himself while Florida seniors pay the price: 

Rick Scott’s signature plan to end Medicare and Social Security as we know them would spike costs for seniors and families and rip away hard-earned benefits. 

Rick Scott plans to raise taxes on the middle class while lowering taxes for corporations and the wealthy, like himself. 

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