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ICYMI: Consecutive Polls Show Rick Scott in Trouble in Florida Senate Race

Second Poll in Two Months Shows Scott Losing Ground

Yesterday, a new poll from the University of North Florida showed Rick Scott is in trouble. This is the second consecutive poll showing Scott is in a statistical tie, within both polls’ margin of error. 

“Floridians are fed up with Rick Scott’s toxic agenda: banning abortion nationwide, slashing Social Security and Medicare, and raising taxes on working families while lowering taxes for corporations and the wealthy, like himself,” said FDP spokesperson Alex Wood. “In November, they’ll fire Scott once and for all.”

What to know about Rick Scott’s toxic positions that will cost him the Florida Senate race: 

Rick Scott pushed a national abortion ban, and said he would support “any” anti-choice bill.

Rick Scott’s signature plan to end Medicare and Social Security as we know them would spike costs for seniors and families, and rip away hard-earned benefits. 

Rick Scott plans to raise taxes on the middle class while lowering taxes for corporations and the wealthy, like himself. 

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