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REMINDER: Rick Scott Voted Against the Landmark CHIPS and Science Act

The $52 Billion Investment in Domestic Semiconductor Manufacturing is Creating Jobs, Lowering Costs, and Strengthening National Security

Today marks the two-year anniversary of the CHIPS and Science Act being signed into law. More than 56,000 direct jobs and $450 billion in private investments in U.S. semiconductor production, including in Florida, have been announced thanks to the bipartisan legislation that Scott opposed. While Scott says the legislation “did nothing to strengthen American manufacturers,” the CHIPS and Science Act is already lowering costs for families, creating thousands of good-paying American Jobs, bolstering supply chains, and strengthening national security. 

“Rick Scott is a partisan hack who cares more about his own political ambitions than lowering costs for families and out-competing China,” said Florida Democratic Spokesperson Alex Wood. “Floridians deserve a Senator who will roll up their sleeves and work across the aisle to deliver for Florida families and invest in our economic future.” 

Click here for background on the bipartisan CHIPS and Science Act of 2022

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