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WHAT TO KNOW: Rick Scott’s Extreme, Self-Serving Agenda is Wrong for Florida

Ahead of Florida’s primary tomorrow, here’s what you need to know about Rick Scott and his extreme, self-serving agenda: Scott oversaw the largest Medicare fraud in U.S. history, wrote the plan to raise taxes on the middle class and gut Social Security and Medicare, and endorsed Florida’s dangerous abortion ban that rips away reproductive health care before most women know they’re pregnant, with no real exceptions for rape, incest, or health of the mother.

What to know about Rick Scott’s extreme, self-serving agenda

Scott supported a national abortion ban and says he would support “any” anti-choice bill.

Scott’s signature plan to end Social Security and Medicare as we know them would spike costs for seniors and families and rip away hard-earned benefits. 

Scott plans to raise taxes on the middle class while lowering taxes for corporations and the wealthy, like himself. 

Scott “took responsibility” for overseeing the largest Medicare fraud in U.S. history.

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