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Advocates and Residents Join Florida Dems to File Criminal Complaints in Three Counties

Criminal complaints reporting illegal AHCA website filed in Leon, Orange and Hillsborough counties 

Today, advocates and residents joined Florida Democratic Party Chair Nikki Fried in filing criminal complaints to State Attorney’s Offices in three counties.

The complaints report the website launched by the Florida Agency for Health Care Administration (AHCA) and television ads directing Floridians to it. Letters were submitted to the State Attorney’s office by Floridians in the following counties: 

The letters state that using an official government agency for political campaigning is prohibited by state law and a clear violation of F.S.104.31. According to state law, any person violating the provisions of this section is guilty of a misdemeanor of the first degree. Statute provides for up to one year in prison and up to $1,000 fine. 

“Today, we filed criminal complaints to hold the state accountable for their illegal attacks on Amendment 4,“ said FDP Chair Nikki Fried. “This is a government-funded propaganda campaign and a clear misuse of taxpayer dollars. Using a government agency to advocate for one-side of an issue and mischaracterize it as the “truth” is the real danger to women’s health and a threat to democracy. 

“The government has repeatedly used state power to interfere with the citizen-led initiative to get reproductive freedom on the ballot and we will not allow it to continue — not on our watch. With 53 days until the election, it is our hope that today’s criminal complaints will be reviewed without delay and the website is taken down.” 

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