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Florida Democratic Party Endorses Two Constitutional Amendments

Today, the State Executive Committee of the Florida Democratic Party met to vote on recommendations for the six constitutional amendments on the ballot this November. The committee’s recommendations are as follows:

The Florida Democratic Party stands in support of Proposed Amendments 3 and 4 and urges the voters of Florida to vote Yes.

The Florida Democratic Party stands opposed to Proposed Amendments 1, 2, 5 and 6 and urges the voters of Florida to vote No.

“With today’s vote, the Florida Democratic Party is proud to officially support the passage of Amendments 3 and 4,” said FDP Chair Nikki Fried. “The State of Florida has interfered in the lives of our citizens for far too long, and Amendments 3 and 4 are a good first step towards restoring our rights and keeping the government out of our business.”

The State Executive Committee, made up of over 200 Florida Democrats, is responsible for supervising party affairs and setting policy positions for the Florida Democratic Party.

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