Yesterday, the Florida Phoenix reported that Florida leads the nation in sign-ups for next year’s health insurance through the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare. Nearly 1.5 million Florida residents signed up for coverage during the open enrollment period in November, and millions more are expected to sign up before open enrollment ends on January 15th.
“Republicans love to talk about repealing Obamacare, but the numbers don’t lie — millions of Americans get their healthcare through the Marketplace, and any attempt to end it would hit Florida the hardest. The health of Floridians shouldn’t be gambled with for political points,” said FDP Chair Nikki Fried.
Florida leads the nation in Obamacare enrollment after a month of open enrollment. Data released by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services show that 1,458,792 Florida residents signed up for insurance coverage through the “Marketplace” for 2025.
The Marketplace is a centerpiece of the Affordable Care Act, often referred to as Obamacare. President-elect Donald Trump has vowed to repeal the program but has offered no details.
Although Republicans in Florida have not expanded Medicaid to lower-income childless adults as the ACA allows, the federal health law is popular with residents who annually have flocked to the marketplace for health coverage.
Florida has consistently led the nation in ACA enrollment and this year is no different with enrollments far out pacing Texas, which saw the second highest rate with 1,077,883 sign-ups since Nov. 1.