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ICYMI: One month into Obamacare enrollment, Florida leads the nation in sign-ups [Florida Phoenix]

Yesterday, the Florida Phoenix reported that Florida leads the nation in sign-ups for next year’s health insurance through the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare. Nearly 1.5 million Florida residents signed up for coverage during the open enrollment period in November, and millions more are expected to sign up before open enrollment ends on January 15th.

“Republicans love to talk about repealing Obamacare, but the numbers don’t lie — millions of Americans get their healthcare through the Marketplace, and any attempt to end it would hit Florida the hardest. The health of Floridians shouldn’t be gambled with for political points,” said FDP Chair Nikki Fried.

READ MORE: One month into Obamacare enrollment, Florida leads the nation in sign-ups

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