Florida Data Ticket Form
Welcome! You can raise a Florida Service Project request to the Florida Democratic Party from the options provided.
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Welcome! You can raise a Florida Service Project request to the Florida Democratic Party from the options provided.
Request a Mobilize subaccount for your chartered DEC, Club, or Caucus.
Use this form to suggest changes or additions to our current FDP-provided tools such as VAN.
Use this form to provide the FDP with data or files that you need uploaded to VAN.
Use this form for general VAN support or questions. As a friendly reminder, most general VAN questions can be answered by using VAN Support's help center: https://help.ngpvan.com/van/s/
Use this form for any requests or inquiries that do not meet the criteria of the other forms available via data ticket.
Use this form for urgent VAN account issues such as 2FA resets or not being able to log in to your account.
Use this form if you would like to purchase Scale to Win, a text & dialer tool that the Florida Dems have partnered with.
New Process - Please visit https://demlaunch.staclabs.io/DEMSFLSP to request a Votebuilder committee from the Florida Democratic Party. The FDP is now offering Votebuilder scholarships to qualified candidates running for office. Candidates who qualify for the scholarship will receive a 50% discount off their VAN committee price. See the list of qualifying seats and counties here: https://bit.ly/VANScholarshipDistricts, APPLY HERE: https://bit.ly/VANScholarshipApp, and to learn more about the scholarship program, check out this guide: https://bit.ly/VANScholarshipGuide.